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At Calibrated we use a wide array of training modalities and protocols to improve your overall fitness so you can feel good on and off the course. Our goal is to help you improve your game and get out of pain!



“Since its inception in 2003, TPI has studied thousands of golfers ranging from the top professional tour players to weekend enthusiasts. An incredible amount of data on players of all shapes, sizes, ages, and fitness levels has been gathered during this time. Using this data, TPI discovered how a properly functioning body allows a player to swing a golf club in the most efficient way possible. Additionally, TPI has analyzed how physical limitations in a player’s body can adversely affect the golf swing and potentially lead to injury.”


Our coaches have had tremendous success enhancing the games of our golfers by simply understanding the deficiencies of their movement mechanics and understanding how to develop a program around correcting them. If your having trouble with your accuracy, range or your body fights you after a full day on the green, the renowned Titleist Performace Institute assessment and training system is exactly what you need to get you feeling and playing your best. Learn more here, or watch the video below to discover how its being utilized successfully by golfers all over the world who are looking for a leg up!







The FMS is a screening/training system developed by leading doctors, therapists and strength coaches as a way to predict and minimize injury potential for athletes and weekend warriors alike. In addition to helping our coaches identify movement dysfunction and injury predictors, this system allow for a more organized and direct approach to fixing root movement issues that are leading to these problems. As a result, FMS has been adopted by most pro and division 1 college programs, including Stanford University. With FMS, you can being certain that your training is moving you further from injuries by increasing your bodies durability as well as your awareness of how you are moving. For more information, please click here to go to the FMS website. You can also click here to read the New York times article on how utilizing this approach has been a HUGE part of Stanford Footballs recent success.











Z-Health is a cutting edge, neuro plasticity based performance system created by Dr. Eric Cobb. Based on the analysis of several different studies in various areas of health and human performance, Z-Health is the most in depth approach to training and physical health enhancement in the world. This level of in-depth knowledge provides our coaches the tools to work through any movement or performance challenge, and take our clients’ fitness to the next level. If you have plateaued in your training or are one of those “rare” folks who can’t seem to become more flexible, get rid of nagging aches or get to a new fitness level despite your best efforts, Z-Health likely has your answers. Please watch the video below or clink here to learn more about how this approach can be the missing link in your pursuit of health, vitality, and athletic performance.






Exploding onto the fitness scene, kettlebells have become one of the hottest new workout tools in the last 10 years! What you may not already know is that, unlike many other fitness “fads,” kettlebells have been used for over a century in Russia because they really WORK. They are a high skill training tool that have made waves recently due to their significant impact on fat loss, conditioning, and work capacity. This has made kettlebells a staple piece of equipment used by many of our coaches to help their clients attain their goals and reach the next level of fitness. As referenced in Tim Ferris book “The 4 hour body,” kettlebell training is a must for anyone interested in minimalist training with precious little time and a desire for an intense workout. Learn more here, or watch the video below.












The TRX is the most popular tool in suspension training today. Created by a Navy SEAL, the TRX training system provides a whole new challenge to your work out versus fixed apparatus training. This includes both a larger emphasis on stability in each exercise, as well as the ability to quickly transition from movement to movement, thus building your level of strength and endurance while maximizing your workout. In short, it means you get better quality bodyweight work done in less time! This system is best suited for folks who are not as interested in conventional weightlifting and those who travel often due to its easy transportability. To learn more about the potential benefits of TRX training, please click here.

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